

The Way to Life - A Tao Te Ching - Below are first lines from the first dozen of the 81 chapters in the Tao Te Ching written by Jon Atack. You will soon be able to buy 'The Way to Life - A Tao Te Ching' to read all 81 chapters in full...
More The Way to Life - A Tao Te Ching

Heresy Trials - The official House of Laity has paved the way for heresy trials in the Church of England, as reported by the BBC in 10 things that could land your vicar in trouble...
More Heresy Trials

The Meaning of Love - At long last, Science has proven that love truly exists. Infatuation transforms body chemistry in measurable ways...
More Meaning of Love

Vedic Physics - Arts & Letters Daily has long been my homepage. Every day it turns up a broad range of mind-boggling material...
More Vedic Physics

Uncertain Realities - A version of this letter appeared in New Scientist, 25 September 2004...
More Uncertain Realities

Power and Belief - A dear friend once assured me that the fascination of the Hitler cult for occult beliefs is irrelevant, because Hitler was simply a figure-head.
More Power and Belief

Mystical Atheism - In 1811, the poet Shelley was sent down from Cambridge University for publishing a pamphlet in which he espoused atheism.
More Mystical Atheism

The Flight of the Wild Gander by Joseph Campbell - I first encountered Joseph Campbell’s work over a decade ago, through his fine interviews with Bill Moyers, in The Power of the Myth...
More Flight of the Wild Gander by Joseph Campbell

Waking Up - The essence of Buddhist doctrine is the notion that humanity is asleep and must awaken to a higher state of consciousness...
More Waking Up

Joe Campbell and the Dead - Sidestep anomalies, and proliferate. There is room in this world for more philosophies than are dreamt of. The patient sage avoided talkies, artlessly. Now he grooves to the Grateful Dead...
More Joe Campbell and the Dead

The Journey So Far - My regulation Anglican — Episcopalian — upbringing ended when my mum let me stay at home instead of going with the family to Church. I was 11 years old. It wasn’t a religious decision: I just found Church boring...
More Journey So Far

Dreaming - Dreams long preceded language in the development of humanity. In dream we burrow down into the deep prehistory of our species...
More Dreaming

The First Step - It’s true: like anyone else I want stimulation and excitement. I’m driven by avoidance of pain and monotony...
More First Step

The Map is Not the Territory, the Pointing Finger Not the Moon - Many before you have ventured into themselves. Their maps and travelogues can inspire you, but the topography they describe cannot and will not be your own...
More Map is Not the Territory, the Pointing Finger Not the Moon

Follow Your Own Nose - I subscribe to no belief system but my own. And I don't see why anyone should pretend to be any different...
More Follow Your Own Nose

Telling Tales - Carl Jung lamented the decline of myth in modern society...
More Telling Tales

July 2006